Centro Sur Official Receiving Agency
Since 1992 we have been selling all of Clarín’s products through our Official Receiving Agency, “Centro Sur”.
We have a special team exclusively devoted to advising our clients on Clarín newspaper, and trained to deal with every area in the communicative process: accounts, media, planning and creativity.
We design every piece according to our client’s needs, the visual impact that is required and the standards of the chosen section.
We specialize in job, legal and real estate ads.
We operate with Clarín’s official rates.
Means of payment: cash, credit cards and bank transfers.
Clarin's Paid Circulation
Clarín is the largest paid circulation newspaper in Argentina and the Spanish speaking world. It has a market share of more than 50% in the City of Buenos Aires and Outer Buenos Aires. Over 510.000 copies are sold every day.
On Sundays its paid circulation is doubled, placing Clarín among the main Sunday newspapers in the world.